The three lords and their men had each accomplished their goal. The shattering had begun to stop, slowly halting into nothing. However, it's effects still brought great grief to those living having seen it. Iron and Korinthine convened, sharing their stories of success. Iron having kept the sun going for her to find her way to the crypt's location in the first place. However, neither of them knew where, nor how the shattering had halted. Forgive that Nhaulik had been absent from their meeting. They began to speculate on where it could be, suggesting that it had succumb to the waters. They heard roaring steps to the side of them, steadying their forces equally. A large skeleton was lumbering their way, hollow men in tow. They each counted, sure enough... thirty. "HALT." The creature yelled. They lowered their weapons slightly. "I AM NHAULIK." The lords looked at each other before unanimously agreeing something had happened to the real Nhaulik. They charged at the pigmented creature but it resisted. It began to speak again: "I AM RETURNED. THE WATERS HAVE BLESSED US."
...And so they spoke.